About Our Farm

Welcome to Remington Ranch, a picturesque farm nestled in the heart of Gladys, VA. Our family-owned and operated farm is home to a thriving community of animals, nurtured with utmost care and respect. With our commitment to sustainable farming practices, we offer an array of farm-fresh products that are free from unnecessary antibiotics, growth hormones, and other additives.


Our farm is also home to a couple vibrant herds of pigs, contentedly rooting and foraging in spacious pastures and wooded areas to mimic their natural habitat. Their stress-free environment, coupled with a balanced diet, allows them to grow naturally and develop exceptional taste and tenderness.


We care for a flock of 25 sheep that graze harmoniously, maintaining the land's biodiversity while providing us with succulent lamb. The sheep are moved to a new paddock every few days to ensure a clean environment. They have access to nutrient-rich grasses and the freedom to exhibit their natural behaviors.

Turkey & Meat Chickens

At Remington Ranch, we take pride in raising about 2000 meat chickens and about 100 turkeys. Our meat chickens are started in a brooder, and once they reach two weeks old, they are moved to pasture. Once on pasture, the birds are in a Joel Salatin style chicken tractor, and moved every single day to fresh grass. Our turkeys are protected from ground predators with electrified poultry netting, and are moved to a new paddock weekly. These birds enjoy ample space to roam and explore, feasting on the diversity of our pastures. The result is meat that is tender, flavorful, and guilt-free.

Laying Hens

Imagine 500 happy and healthy laying hens, diligently providing us with nutritious and delicious eggs each day. These hens roam freely on our lush pastures, pecking at insects and bathing in the warm sunlight. Their natural and wholesome diet ensures that their eggs are rich in flavor and packed with essential nutrients.

At Remington Ranch, we practice regenerative agriculture farming. By doing this, we have multiple species of animals that work together in order to build the soil. Our animals are constantly moving to new paddocks, ensuring a clean environment. Each and every day, we feed, care for, and tend to the needs of our animals to ensure their well-being. We believe in nurturing them in an environment that respects their natural instincts, allowing them to lead contented lives

We invite you to taste the difference that comes from responsibly raised and cared-for animals. Our products not only have superior taste and quality but are also produced in a manner that supports the health of our animals, our customers, and the environment. Join us on this farm-to-table journey, where every bite is a celebration of nature's bounty and our commitment to sustainable and ethical farming practices.